Friday, July 12, 2013

Odoo OpenERP 7 POS - Gift voucher issue and redemption

Now a days there is a trend of purchasing gift vouchers of different denominations either from retail shop or from websites. These gift vouchers can be redeemed by the customer in future purchases.

Following are the features available in gift voucher issue and Redemption
1. Provision to define gift vouchers with different denominations 
2. Provision to define validity for each of gift voucher
3. Unique id for each gift voucher
4. Close monitoring/ validations on unauthorized gift vouchers

Gift Voucher Issue :

Points Redemption :
Receipt :

Odoo OpenERP 7 POS - Loyalty Management System

In retail industry runs customer loyalty management programs for their esteemed customers. Issuing Redeemable points system on purchased is one of the most common loyalty management schemes.

Following are the features available in Redeemable Points Management system :

 1. Schemes can be defined for specific duration
 2. Points can be issued on each product, product category or on sales invoice 
 3. Points schemes can be made applicable to different locations of retail branch 
 4. User defined points redemption schemes 
 5. Keeping track of transaction wise points earned, redeemed & closing balance 

Redeemable Points Issue :

Points Redemption :

Monday, July 8, 2013

Rails 4

I started reading about rails 4 and started working on a shopping cart application. here i am sharing few changes we need to do for running a rails 4 app.

The changes i seen that i am updating here
Rails 4 added a bin directory  
Which has Binary executable files.  

by default in gem files the turbolinks gem added
 # Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster.
 # Read more:
 gem 'turbolinks'
To deploy on heroku you just need an heroku account. and just add your rails application to heroku.
an heroku by default uses a postgresql this change is require to make in the database.yml file.  

One thing i can share about heroku is on heroku with a free plan there is restriction for each request and response for 30 seconds. so if the request time is more than this then an error will be shown.when you check a log of heroku

You can see different error code. which explains you what is the meaning of that error. you can see a table of this on following link
for free plans you can decreasing a time of request by using rails cache mechanizm

In layouts we can see a default turbolinks javascripts and stylesheets tags.

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", media: "all",
                                                "data-turbolinks-track" => true %> 
<%= javascript_include_tag "application", "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>

There is also one major change about params that is Strong rails 4 introduces this which restricts parameters directly injected to a database. 
so each models will have a permit method to allow a params to be available to activerecord object. 

In my next blog i will update more things on rails

Friday, July 5, 2013

Odoo OpenERP 7 Geo-Location Module

                                          Geolocation module helps to find out geographical position of OpenERP Partner in this way you can track your partners in various geography and also route between them. Geo-Location tracking of partner based upon address of partners.  This Geo-Location will be very handy when integrate with other OpneERP modules like Sales, CRM, Purchase and other.

 Let see how this module exactly work 

1.Create Multiple Partners with valid addresses.

2.Select Partner and Track Location
3.Get Partner Location

In this way we can track Geo-Location of Partner 

Now we will see how to track Route between two or multiple Partner
1.Select Partners for those you want to find Route. 
2.You will be redirect to route map and you get route between selected partners