Sunday, August 10, 2014

Construction Management In Odoo

Construction management in Odoo provides auto generation of Project against the Sales Order. Multiple Sales Orders can be generated against a project. Each project is distributed in different tasks. A task progresses through different stages. It comes with a Interactive Project Dashboard. All tasks of project are avaible on dashboard under the stages. A work package can be created consisting of different cost heads comprises of Cost codes. Work package can later be assigned to Project and with adding Mark up cost, Estimated cost for project can be calculated.

 Key Features
1) Project gets Created when the sales Order is created
2) Sales Order can be assigned to existing Projects
3) Multiple sales Orders can be assigned to a Projects
4) Project Dashboard alongwith stage wise tasks
5) Procurement can be generated with reference of Project
Cost Code
Cost Header
Work Package
Sales Order
Project Tasks Dash Board

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Odoo OpenERP 7 – Kayako Integration

Kayako a leading company who provides the helpdesk service to the customers all over the globe. Kayako provides an established and proven cloud based helpdesk solution, ideal for smaller businesses that want to get started quickly, all the way through to large enterprises who need to deliver customer support at scale. 

Pragmatic Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. has integrated the Kayako with Odoo OpenERP to process the billing of the tickets worked upon in Kayako so that all the financial data drives from Odoo OpenERP. 

Following is the process followed 

Customer raises the tickets for reporting any issues about their products. These tickets are assigned to an employee and the time worked on the ticket is mentioned. Afterwards this ticket is marked as “Billing” which then is imported at the OpenERP for further process of invoice generation and payment. 

Following are the features available with this integrated version:

1)Below screen shows the process of entering the time spent on the ticket's task.
2)Below screen shows the tickets having “Billing” status.
3)These tickets in billing status are imported in OpenERP
4)Following screen shows the list of imported tickets under project tab.
5)Following screen shows the detail view of a ticket with time spent on it, which is used in the invoice.
6) Following screen shows that the invoice is being generated for the ticket.
7) Following screen shows the invoice details for making payment.
8)Following screen shows the process of making the payment for the invoice.
9)Following screen shows that after making the payment for the invoices, the ticket status gets updated in the Kayako system from “Billing” to “closed”. All these tickets can now be seen under the option “closed” in Kayako. This implies that the ticket status in Kayako is updated after its invoice is paid.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Odoo OpenERP 7 Freight Management

Freight management in Open ERP 7 enables tracking and controlling fleets used for Dispatches. It allows create multiple nodes and Routes. A fleet can be selected in Delivery order along with the route. A record for fleet is generated as Vehicle record with status as Available, Dispatched and Return. When the shipment is dispatched, change the status to Dispatched. And change the status to return when it returns back. After disptach it sends alters by mail if not returns within timebound.

 Key Features
i) Track Fleets w.r.t Available, Dispatched and Returned. 
ii) Alters by mail if vehicle not returns within time bound. 
iii) Provision to select the Route and fleet at Delivery Order level
iv) Can be configured to GPS
Vehicle Details
Delivery Order
Vehicle Records