Our Odoo Healthcare management system allow users to capture details like patient demographics, schedule appointments, maintain lists of insurance payers, lab test with result, X-ray data, Instrument current location, inpatient and outpatient data, perform billing tasks, and generate reports.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Odoo 9 Docker Deployment
Pragmatic has made the Odoo Docker deployment approach feasible for all implementation in a 4 step approach.
- Create Docker Container
- Create Odoo dockerfile with all necessary packages and updates.
- Push to Docker Hub
- Pull on the Client Docker Machine (Client System).
Developer Machine/ Production machine - to have docker installed
Basic Image to created there are two ways to do this- a.Pull an existing OS/ Base App/ Development environment from Docker Hub
- b.Create own Docker Image using Dockerfile
Create Container
Build images manually: docker commit
Use Dockerfiles for building images
Now Access Odoo from Container at local host :8069! Pragmatic Odoo from Docker is Ready!!!
- Update your apt sources
- Install the kernel packages required by Ubuntu Version for aufs storage driver
- Create a docker group - docker daemon binds to a Unix socket instead of a TCP port.
- Adjust memory and swap accounting - prevent unwanted Warning messages from OS Kernel, enable memory and swap accounting on your system.
- Enable UFW forwarding - Docker to run when UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) is enabled; where default set of rules denies all incoming traffic, make forwarding policy with consideration to TLS.
- Configure a DNS server for use by Docker - To avoid the DNS resolver Warning, you can specify a DNS server for use by Docker containers.
- Configure Docker to start on boot - installation automatically configures upstart to start the docker daemon on boot until 14.04, the later versions need to have autostart explicitly given
How to use Pragmatic Odoo 9 Docker Image
This image requires a running PostgreSQL server.
Start a PostgreSQL server$ docker run -d -e POSTGRES_USER=odoo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=odoo --name db postgres
This command will pull the official postgres image and run its container so you have your postgres server up and running, that we will use to connect with odoo.
Start an Odoo instance$ docker run -p 8069:8069 --name odoo --link db:db -t pragtechsoft/odoo
This command will pull the pragmatic odoo image from docker hub and run its container for you, which means now you have your odoo server running on your machine. The alias of the container running Postgres must be db for Odoo to be able to connect to the Postgres server.
How to access my odooOnce you run pragtechsoft/odoo container using the above command, now you can access your odoo using the link http://localhost:8069 in browser.
Stop and restart an Odoo instance$ docker stop odoo
$ docker start -a odoo
Stop and restart a PostgreSQL server When a PostgreSQL server is restarted, the Odoo instances linked to that server must be restarted as well because the server address has changed and the link is thus broken.
Restarting a PostgreSQL server does not affect the created databases.
The default configuration file for the server (located at /etc/openerp-server.conf) can be overriden at startup using volumes. Suppose you have a custom configuration at /path/to/config/openerp-server.conf, then
$ docker run -v /path/to/config:/etc/odoo -p --name odoo --link db:db -t pragtechsoft/odoo
Please use this configuration template to write your custom configuration as we already set some arguments for running Odoo inside a Docker container.
You can also directly specify Odoo arguments inline. Those arguments must be given after the keyword -- in the command-line, as follows
$ docker run -p 8069:8069 --name odoo --link db:db -t pragtechsoft/odoo -- --db-filter=odoo_db_.*
You can mount your own Odoo addons within the Odoo container, at /mnt/extra-addons
$ docker run -v /path/to/addons:/mnt/extra-addons -p --name odoo --link db:db -t pragtechsoft/odoo
$ docker run -p 8070:8069 --name odoo2 --link db:db -t pragtechsoft/odoo $ docker run -p 8071:8069 --name odoo3 --link db:db -t pragtechsoft/odoo
Answers to some Quick FAQs
How to upgrade this imageSuppose you created a database from an Odoo instance named old-odoo, and you want to access this database from a new Odoo instance named new-odoo, e.g. because you've just downloaded a newer Odoo image.
By default, Odoo uses a filestore (located at /opt/odoo/.local/share/Odoo/filestore/) for attachments. You should restore this filestore in your new Odoo instance by running
$ docker run --volumes-from old-odoo -p 8070:8069 --name new-odoo --link db:db -t pragtechsoft/odoo
If you are facing any problems with this image and need professional support, you can contact us at sales at pragtech.co.in. For more information about us visit
Is Pragmatic Docker image public?Yes the Pragmatic Docker images are public and easily accessible at
No, not configured for httpworkers as httpworkers depends on number of cpu of system, contact sales at pragtech.co.in, we can optimize the performance of Odoo for your system.
The postgres instance that is used; Is it official instance?Yes, Pragmatic has used official postgres image, Postgres V 9.5. This image includes EXPOSE 5432 (the postgres port), so standard container linking will make it automatically available to the linked containers. The Pragmatic Docker for postgres always searches for the latest image of Postgre and updates it.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Odoo 9 Xero Integration
What data can sync with Odoo and Xero?
Odoo : Contact (Customers/Suppliers),Product,Invoices(Payable/Recivables)Xero : Payment Confirmation
There are some configurations and packaged need to be installed to use this integration module.Generate Public/ Private Key :
Step 1: generates a private key- openssl req new x509 key privatekey.pem out publickey.cer days 1825
- uses the .pem file to sign requests then this step is not required.
- openssl pkcs12 export out public_privatekey.pfx inkey privatekey.pem in publickey.cer
Required packages to Install :
- Step 1: Install XeroAPI from python.org.
- Step 2: Install python M2Crypto.
- Step 3: Install oauth2.
Xero Configuration
- Step 1: Create Oraganization in Xero.
- Step 2: Select Accounting standard in XeroAPIx.x
- Step 3: Create Chart Of Account
- Step 4: Create a link between current organization in Xero to Odoo.By Opening the Xero on developer mode by following path “https://app.xero.com/Application” Note : Select .cer file in public key certificate
Note : Code given to Accounts created in Odoo and Xero should same.
Browse the “jumpflex_privatekey.pem” ie. Private key file and save it will generate Consumer Key And Consumer Secret key.
Further this Key have to Update in Odoo.
Odoo Configuration :
- Step 1 : Install Sales, Purchase and Accounting Module
- Step 2 : Install additional module develop for integration between Xero and Odoo ie. Xero Accounting
- Step 3 : Update Consumer Key from Xero and Update in Odoo i.e. in following path Settings>>Companies
- Step 4 : Open company form and configuration tab and set the consumer key and consumer secret number from Xero and Update in Odoo.
- Step 5 : Enter the private key file path i.e .pem file path in “Path To Privat Key File” filed and save.
- Step 6 : Save the Company Setting Form.
Transaction :
- Step 1 : Create Customer,Supplier and Product in Odoo.
- Step 2 : Export the created Customer,Product to Xero. By export setting form created in Odoo with name Import/Export form by following path i.e. Accounting >> Xero Accounting >>Import Export.
- Step 3 : User can click on three button's i.e. Export Partner, Export Product and Export Invoice to export the contacts(Supplier/Customer),Product and Invoices(Receivable/Payable) respectively. And to import the payment done in the Xero, user can click on the import Invoice button.
Import/Export from :
Exported Contact's :
Exported Invoice's :
- Step 1 : Complete the process of payment in Xero.
- Step 2 : Open the Export Import form in Odoo form by following path i.e. Accounting >> Xero Accounting >> Import Export.
- Step 3 : Click on the Import Invoice button as shown in above screen of Import/Export form.Note : It will import all the payment detail of Xero in Odoo and create journal entries.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Monday, November 2, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Odoo 8 - CCAvenue Integration
- Configuration of CCAvenue settings
- Sale Order processing
- Accepting the payment in CCAvenue
- Updating the payment received in Odoo
1.Configure CCAvenue
Install the payment_ccavenue module.Goto Settings-->Configuration-->Accounting
Click on “Configure payment acquiring methods”
Configure your CCAvenue Account.
Put your Merchant Key , Access Code and Working key provided by CCAvenue.
Set the Associated Journal to create payment using CCAvenue.
2.Processing Sales Order
Go to Sales-->Sales-->Sale Order- Create New Sale Order and Confirm it.
- You will see CCAvenue button in Online Payment Options.
- To Pay with CCAvenue Click on CCAvenue Button then it will redirect you to CCAvenue Website.
3.Accepting Payment in CCAvenue
- Login to your CCAvenue Account.- Select Payment Method to Pay and pay.
4.Payments update in Odoo
After successful payment one payment record is created in Odoo against the customer. In the reference you can see the CCAvenue transaction ID.One transaction record is created in Payment Transactions where you can see all transaction related information.
Go to Settings-->Payments --> Payment Transactions
Odoo OpenERP - Loan Management
Features of Pragmatic Loan Management are
- System helps you to create customized loan period.
- You can categorize type of loan and manage it.
- Loan types can be defined based on its calculation method(Flat and Reducing).
- System allow you to compute installment based on amount, intrest rate and period run time.
- System maintains all interest versions which company wants to define.
- It allows managing type of proof that company accepts and keep track.
- You can keep track of all installment received from a customer with accounting entry.