Monday, March 27, 2017

VOIP Integration with OpenERP

Outgoing Call -

To make a outgoing call from openerp, just go the customer menu, open any partner form there you will see the “Dial” option in front of Phone number.
We used soft phone (Magic App) for the outgoing call.

Incoming Call Existing Partner -

For any incoming call, system will popup one notification. Where it will show the customer name (if exist in the system) and phone number. When user clicks on it system will open dashboard with all customer details.

Customer Details (Global Search) -

After clicking on the incoming call popup notification for existing partner, system will open dashboard with customer details. System will show the sales order, partners, customer invoices, delivery orders, customer payments, customer refunds, etc.

Incoming Call (Unknown Number) -

For any incoming call, system will popup one notification. Where it will show the Unknown (if customer is not exists in the system) and phone number. When user clicks on it system will open the Leads page.

Leads Page -

In case of unknown incoming call, if user clicks on notification popup then system will open the leads page.

Missed Call -

If user unable to received an incoming call then system will show this call as a missed call. Here user will have two open, whether he can discard it by clicking on “Cancel” button or he can click “Ok” button to see the details of it.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Odoo 9 – Import Vendor Bills from Post-Finance

Now a days every one emphasise on digital transactions than keeping hardcopy of documents. Postfinance is a financial institution which allows their customer to upload / Download e-invoices. This offers safest way to send / receive e-inovices.

We have come up with a module to import all vendor bills in Odoo from Post – Finance portal.

This module works with all bank account types i.e. BVR, IBAN, Normal Bank acocunt etc. It will pull all the invoices pdf's as an attachments in Vendor bills created in odoo