Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Odoo OpenERP 7 Resource Management

This module deals with management of Resource on Various project according to their skill sets. Lets go through various features available in this module.

1) Employee Details :
Human resource team can capture various details of Employee like General Details, Previous Work Experience, Skill, Present Employer details etc.

2) Create Resource Request:
When there is need of resource on particular project manager create resource request which define skill sets of required resource along with other details.

Manager can status of all Resource Request created for particular project
3) Search Resource for New Resource Request
All Resource request created by managers are available to HR team for further processing. HR personnel search for Resource which suits resource request requirement and Propose some resource to request which match R-R criteria.
After Searching resource for particular request HR team can propose number of resource to managers for finalization
Allocate Resource
Once Manager finalize one of proposed resource HR team add that resource to Project specified in R-R.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Odoo OpenERP 7 Check Management

Pragmatic Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. has developed a functionality to manage Check Transactions. It maintains status of each cheque entry (i.e. Released or Bounce). Multiple expense or income heads can be captured in single entry.
Following are the features available with Cheque Management :
1) Single entry screen “Cheque Management” for all type of Payment / Receipt transactions

2)Allows Customer Payment, Supplier Payment, Expense Entries, Income Entries in through single form

3)Linking of with journal entries

4)Provision to “Release” or “Bounce” Cheques

5)Auto reconciliation of accounting entries based on Invoice, Payments and Actual Bank Release entries.

Odoo OpenERP 7 Magento Integration – import of multiple currency prices from Magento to OpenERP

Pragmatic Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. has customised Magento – OpenERP connector in order to import multiple prices of same product in different currencies from magento to OpenERP. In real time scenario retailers don't want to set price of product based on currency exchange rate but it is a fixed price in different currencies.

OpenERP – magento Connector and Product master in OpenERP is enhanced to accommodate prices in different currencies.

Innoexts_AdvancedPricing” extension in magento allows user to define multiple currency prices for same product in magneto
In following screen, you can see there are 3 currency fields viz. 'EUR', 'GBP', 'USD' which holds three prices of same product in Euro, Pound & US dollars.

This offers two way sync I.e these prices can be exported to magento for respective products.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Odoo OpenERP HR Performance Management

The primary reason to make sure performance management processes are functioning properly is to tighten the link between strategic business objectives and day-to-day actions. Effective goal setting (including timelines), combined with a method to track progress and identify obstacles, contributes to success and bottom line results. Regularly tracking progress against performance goals and objectives also provides the opportunity to recognize and reward employees for performance and exceptional effort, contributing to job satisfaction and productivity. Employees want to feel successful, to do well at their job and feel they are making a valuable contribution. In order to ensure this happens, employees need a clear understanding of individual goals and how they fit into the larger organization. The Pragmatic Performance management software solutions offered can provide goal visibility across entire organizations, offer extensive reporting options and can reduce paperwork by as much as 90%.
When effectively implemented, performance management best practices result in a wide range of benefits for employees, managers and companies.
Following are some of the features of Performance management.
1) Create questions for the questionnaire.

2) Create Performance objectives per job title along with the weight-age.

3) 360 degree questionnaire for evaluation are created.

4) Goals for the performance evaluation can be created.

5) Goals can be assigned for performance Evaluation.

6) 360 Degree Evaluation questionnaire can be set for the Employee. This can be done by the HR or by the Manager.

7) Separate Process flow for both – Fixed term employee and for Permanent Employee 
a) Fixed Term employee

b) Permanent Employee.

8) The manager can view the subordinates Performance Evaluation forms.

9) Competencies for the employee can be defined.

10) IPF score of the Employee is entered by the manager based on his performance.

11) Based on the IPF score and inputs from the manager , the bonus is computed

12) Performance Management module can be used for Goal Evaluation . Specially when there is set of task defined for certain period of time.

13) The performance evaluation can be done – monthly , twice every month , annually as per company policies.

14) This module can also be used while taking following decisions 
a) increase in package of employee
b) Finding the skills of employees
c) Evaluating the weakness and strengths of the employees etc.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Odoo OpenERP HR Recruitment Process

“ Nothing you do is more important than Hiring and developing people. At the end of the day , you bet on people and not on Strategies. “
The above line Emphasizes on the importance of Recruitment in an organization.

Recruiting staff is a very costly exercise. It is also an essential part of any business and it pays to do it properly. When organizations choose the right people for the job, train them well and treat them appropriately, these people not only produce good results but also tend to stay with the organization longer. In such circumstances, the organization's initial and ongoing investment in them is well rewarded.

                      This module is developed by Pragmatic Techsoft for effective management of the Recruitment process. The module has used concept like – Fit Ratio Criteria to make the hiring process more efficient and outcomes more effective.
1. Can configure skills , notice period , Qualification specialization etc.


Notice period
Qualification Specialization

2) Vacancy is created due to the following reasons
 a) Resignation of existing Employee
 b) New requirement due increased work
 c) Requirement to add new skill set to the existing team etc. 
The manager creates a vacancy in the system. The vacancy contains details like - No. of Vacancy , Reason for vacancy , Location , Department , skill set required , qualification required etc.

3) The HR then creates a job posting as per the details of the vacancy. The job posting can be an advertisement in Newspapers , job sites , internal job portals etc.

4) Jobs are filtered based on which jobs are available , requirement for future etc. This is to help HR to see the current , past and future requirements.

5. Hire Questionnaire
 Hire Questionnaire can be prepared for the applicants.

6)Fit Ratio criteria for the applicants is defined.
 Hire Questionnaire can be prepared for the applicants.

The fit ratio criteria is defined for the job . This criteria is very helpful to evaluate the competences of the Applicants.
Based on jobs , the weight-age is given to different parameters like ,
1. Qualification 
2. Salary Expected 
3. Relocation
4. Work Authorization 
5. Traveling 
6. Employment type
7. Education etc.

 7) The Applicant details are added in the system. This can be done in following ways.
 a) Added manually by the user.
 b) Details to be added using import option.
 c) Details to be filled by the applicants on the websites and then import details in OpenERP using some tool. 
8) Applicant search wizard.

Based on the selected parameters , applicants can be searched.

9) Follow-up activities for Applicants.
Applicants can be followed up , scheduled for Appointments , Re-scheduled for Appointments etc.

10) Then the selected Applicants go through the whole process of recruitment like ,
a) Applicant initial stage 
b) Application in progress
c) Applicant in Round 1 
d) Applicant in Round 2 
e) Waiting for GM Approval 
f) Waiting for CEO Approval 
g) Contract Offered 
h) Offer Accepted
i) Offer Rejected
j) Applicant rejected etc